“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”
— Mary Oliver
”If you put your body in a loving, nurturing environment,it will respond by giving you loving and nurturing healing responses.”
— Dr Mindy Pelz
Join me for a weekend retreat filled with movement, inquiry, connection and magic at the beautiful and tranquil Salt Spring Centre of Yoga, BC Canada. We will be nourished with delicious food prepared by Shani Cranston, while we embrace the land and welcome the arrival of Spring. Together, we will delve into the experience of truly INHABITING ourselves. We will be held within the 5Rhythms practice, circle, writing, and land-based ceremony, with nature guiding our journey.
The Salt Spring Centre of Yoga was founded in 1981 by venerated master yogi Baba Hari Dass from India — the Centre is the west coast of Canada’s longest running spiritual and wellness retreat centre. A forested and farmed 69 acres of land weaves together with the stories of those transformed by it and the spirit of selfless service is sewn into every tiny detail. Salt Spring Island is a small island on the West Coast of Canada, situated between Vancouver and Victoria, BC. Arrive via 3 ferry terminals (Victoria, Vancouver, Crofton) or float plane.
6 sessions
6 vegetarian meals
2 nights accommodations
Wood-burning sauna
Ferry pick up and drop off
Down time to explore the land
Check in is 2:30pm March 14th
Check out is 12:00 March 16th
*Final session will take place outdoors, after lunch.
All rooms are in the main program house, a renovated heritage house features quaint guest rooms, a beautifully-appointed library, a stunning 1,290 sq ft hardwood dance space with wood stove, dining facilities and a tea bar.
Triple shared room with shared bathroom $765 (5 beds available)
Double shared room with shared bathroom $795 - SOLD OUT
Private room with shared bathroom $845 - SOLD OUT
Camping $595 (1 spot available)
Commuter (includes meals & sessions) $495 - (SOLD OUT)
*All prices are in Canadian dollars.
“We are deeply grateful to share this time with you, as we welcome in and inhabit the hope of spring.”
-Shauna & Shani
Shani Cranston will be our Caterer
Locally Sourced, Seasonally Inspired Whole Food Meals
Shani specializes in gluten free vegan gourmet FEASTS that will nourish you on all levels. Sprouting, fermenting and dehydrating are some of the techniques that she embodies when creating meals made with 💚
Only fresh, Local and Organic ingredients are used in Shani’s KITCHEN.